

Current position: Home > Alloy 405

Technical Data Sheet

Alloy 405 (UNS N04405) is a nickel-copper alloy with high strength and toughness. Alloy 405 also has excellent corrosion resistance in a range of media including seawater, hydrofluoric acid, sulphuric acid and alkalis. Due to its increased sulfur content Alloy 405 has enhanced machinability. Alloy 405 is chiefly used for automatic screw machine stock and is not generally recommended for other applications.

Chemical Composition Limits
Weight %Ni+CoCMnFeSSiCu
Nickel 40563 min0.3 max2.0 max2.5 max0.025 - 0.0600.5 max28.0-34.0

Typical Mechanical Properties

MaterialForm and ConditionTensile Strength KsiYield Strength (0.2% Offset) KsiElongation (%)Hardness Rockwell B
Alloy 405 Rod and BarAnnealed70-8525-4050-3560-76
Alloy 405 Rod and BarCold- Drawn, As- Drawn85-11550-10535-1585-23C
Alloy 405 Rod and BarHot Finished75-9035-6045-3072-86


Alloy 405 (UNS N04405) is available in Rod and Bar (Round). For all stock availability contact Sales.


ASME SB 164 Bar and Rod

ASTM B 164 Bar and Rod

QQ N 281 Bar and Rod

AMS 4674 Bar and Rod

AMS 7234

MIL N 894 Bar and Rod

NACE MR 01 75 Bar and Rod

Monel R405 (tradename) Bar and Rod

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